Lesson 6 - How to Unstage and Unmodify Files in Git

Lesson No 6 Setting Up git and gitHub

Step 1: Understanding Git Staging and Modification

In Git, the staging area is where changes are prepared before they are committed to the repository. When you make changes to a file, Git marks that file as "modified." If you then use the "git add" command, Git moves that file to the staging area, where it is marked as "staged." This is an important concept to understand when working with Git, as it allows you to selectively choose which changes you want to include in your next commit.

Step 2: Unstaging a File

If you've added a file to the staging area, but you've decided that you don't want to include those changes in your next commit, you can "unstage" the file. To do this, you can use the "git restore --staged" command, followed by the filename or file path. For example:

git restore --staged file.txt

This will remove the file from the staging area, but it will still be marked as "modified" in your working directory.

Step 3: Unmodifying a File

If you've made changes to a file, but you want to revert those changes and go back to the last committed version, you can "unmodify" the file. To do this, you can use the "git restore" command, followed by the filename or file path. For example:

git restore file.txt

This will discard all the changes you've made to the file and revert it back to the last committed version.

Step 4: Checking the Status of Your Files

To see the current status of your files, you can use the "git status" command. This will show you which files have been modified, which files are staged, and which files are untracked.

Step 5: Committing Your Changes

Once you've unstaged or unmodified any files you don't want to include, you can go ahead and commit your changes using the "git commit" command. This will create a new commit in your repository with the changes you've selected.


Unstaging and unmodifying files in Git is an important skill to have when working with version control. By understanding how to selectively choose which changes to include in your commits, you can keep your repository organized and make it easier to track and manage your project's history. Remember to use the "git status" command frequently to stay on top of your file changes, and don't hesitate to use the "git restore" and "git restore --staged" commands to undo any unwanted modifications or additions.

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